Cambridge silicon radio bluetooth error code 10
Cambridge silicon radio bluetooth error code 10

Installing the New Patched Linux Kernelįinding The Needed Patch/Information Onlineįirst, listing my Bluetooth USB type gave me the following information: lsusbīus 001 Device 006: ID 0a12:0001 Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode).Applying the Patch on the Kernel Source Code.Retrieving the Latest Kernel Source Code.Finding The Needed Patch/Information Online.This is to help you get a general idea on how the kernel patching process works, and how you can possibly do the same thing to fix your non-compatible hardware issues with Linux, shall you face any in the future.

Cambridge silicon radio bluetooth error code 10 how to#

This is a very simple tutorial that will guide you on how to fix your hardware issues with Linux using a real life scenario, which is the unknown Bluetooth adapter in our case. That’s it.Īnd then, the Bluetooth adapter worked like charm. What I did was simply that I searched for the problem online, found a patch, applied it on the latest kernel’s source code, built the new kernel and installed it. Luckily, Linux is quite helpful in this regard.

cambridge silicon radio bluetooth error code 10

And this was an issue because I don’t want to buy another Bluetooth adapter and spend more time searching on this problem.

cambridge silicon radio bluetooth error code 10 cambridge silicon radio bluetooth error code 10

Bluetooth was always turned off and I couldn’t turn it on, and the adapter was classified as unknown by the kernel. Sadly, it didn’t work on my Linux distribution (Kernels 5.5, 5.6, 5.7.). Probably one of these poor-quality adapters that are being sold everywhere. I bought a cheap Bluetooth 5.0 adapter from a local market (What a mistake!), and it was too cheap to the level that it didn’t have a vendor name on it.

Cambridge silicon radio bluetooth error code 10